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Year 2 - Victoria and St. James

Welcome to Year 2 Class page

Year 2 Teacher

Mr M Carpenter
Leader of Learning
Year 2 & 3
Miss S Harrison
Mrs A Page

 Teaching Assistant

Mrs K Hayes
Miss E Marsh

Small Group/1:1

Miss R Trimble


Mrs P Flisher


Mrs T McGilloway


Welcome back to Term 4

We have lots of exciting learning and activities planned for the year ahead.

Things I need to know:

School Day

At the beginning of the school day, before registration (08:50 am). Years 2 and 3 children start at 08:45am and school finishes at 3:15pm.

General Remainders

Our P.E. days this term are Tuesday (pm).  Please ensure the children have PE Kits in school and make sure that they are clearly labelled.

Important dates:

What will you be learning this term 4? See below

Term 4




Monday 24th February 

Staff Development Day 


Friday 28th February 

Art Day 

Shane Record, a local artist with a gallery in Folkestone, is coming to do a live paint in school. He will be painting a local landscape scene. This will take place in the hall where the children will watch and be involved with some Q&A, before returning to their classrooms to complete their own artwork. We plan to display the artwork the artist creates in the hall corridor, alongside examples of the children's work.  


Thursday 6th March 

World Book Day 

Theme- Bedtime stories 

Letter has been sent home 

WB: Monday 10th March 

Parent Consultations 

Letter will be sent closer to the time 

Friday 14th March 

Science Day 

The children will take part in some science activities in class. 

WB: Monday 17th March 

Year 2 Parent Consultations 


Thursday 20th March Florence Nightingale Workshop Hall all day.  More details to follow.
Friday 21st March Red Nose Day Tuck shop  
WB: Monday 24th March  Assessment week  
Tuesday 25th March Class Assembly & Value Awards    09:00- 09:30

Thursday 3rd April 

Easter Hat Parade 

The children will be able to wear a homemade bonnet on our Easter Hat Parade walk which starts 2:15pm.

Friday 4th April  Last day of term 4  
Tuesday 22nd April  Term 5 starts  

What will you be learning this term 4?  See attached below.