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Joe Wicks and PE Schools Tour

Meet Joe Wicks and the schools tour

On Friday 17th May 2024, we had the incredible Joe Wicks, the renowned fitness coach and author, visit us. The visit was filled with energy and excitement as the children participated in an amazing workout session led by Joe. The children had an awesome time joining in a fun workout. Joe made exercising feel like a big party. Everyone was up on their feet, laughing and moving along with Joe’s energetic routines.

Following the workout, the children took part in a lively Q&A session. They asked lots of questions, ranging from fitness tips to personal experiences, and Joe’s answers were both inspiring and insightful.

The visit was a huge hit, leaving the children motivated and excited about fitness and well-being. We are incredibly grateful to Joe Wicks for taking the time to visit our school and having such a positive impact on our students.

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