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Term 1 News

Year 2 Term One 2024

Update: Year Two Term One 2024



Year Two have had a busy start to the year! They have adjusted to a new style of learning and are now confidently following the timetable and routines of their new classes. With a new year, comes a range of exciting new topics to learn about… so let’s have a look at what they’ve been up to:


Term One began with the topic ‘Land Ahoy!’. The children were able to share and build upon their existing knowledge of continents, oceans and the UK through their Geography lessons. They also learned about some famous explorers, including Captain James Cook.


The children took part in a Pirates immersion day at the start of the topic, where they were able to practice their map making skills, treasure hunting and of course talking like a pirate! This linked to their English lessons, where they wrote detailed descriptions of their own pirate characters.


Later on in the term, the children learnt about the bravery of Grace Darling, a young lighthouse keeper’s daughter who helped in the rescue of shipwrecked sailors from a terrible storm. They researched her amazing life in the remote Farne Islands and wrote some brilliant Acrostic poems to celebrate her achievements.


In science, the children have been investigating materials and their properties. They have explored floating and sinking by building their own model boats and freezing and melting when freeing trapped treasure from icy treasure chests.


The trip this term was to Folkestone Leas Coastal Park, where the children were able to take inspiration from the beach hut designs along the sea wall – including one installation that is built to look like an old fashioned lighthouse! Using this experience, the children ended the term by creating their own wooden model beach huts. This included using some junior saws to cut their pieces of wood to size!


Overall, it’s been a fantastic first term for Year Two, full of learning, creativity, and memorable experiences. The children have worked incredibly hard and have enjoyed every moment. We are all looking forward to Term Two and the ‘Magnificent Monarchs’ topic.