Palace class first term
Our first term in Palace class
What an amazing first term we have had! The children have settled into school life brilliantly and we could not be any prouder of them. J
The children have thoroughly enjoyed the topic ‘Creep, Crawl, Wriggle. We have read a variety of books which has led to some amazing learning taking place.
We have also had the opportunity to take part in the Jaws ‘n’ Claws experience and take part in our first school trip to Felderland Farm.
The children have also made a great start with their phonics. They are beginning to blend and segment simple CVC words, such as ‘cat’ and have started reading the tricky words ‘is’, ‘I’ and ‘the’.
We hope you have a restful half term and look forward to seeing you on Monday 30th October, where we will be starting our new topic ‘Sparkle and Shine’.
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