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Year 6 - Brompton and Royal

Welcome to Year 6 class page

        Year 6 Teacher      

Miss M Harrison
Leader of Learning
Year 6
Mrs P Troth

Mrs K Turrell

Mrs O Newing
Small group/1:1 - Maths



Teaching Assistant

Mrs J Hunter


Miss A Chaston


Mrs N Meyer
Small group/1:1


Welcome back - Term 3

We have lots of exciting learning and activities planned for the year ahead.

Things I need to know:

School Day

At the beginning of the school day, before registration (08:50am).  Years 4, 5 and 6 children start at 08:30am and school finishes at 3:00pm.

General Reminders

Our PE days are Friday (PM).  Please ensure the children have PE kits in school and make sure that they are clearly labelled.

Important dates see attached.

Term 3




Monday 6th January 2025 


Term 3 starts. 


Tuesday 7th January 2025 

Travelling back in time day 

The year 6 adults will be dressing up as someone from the 1940’s, however the children do not have to dress up. If your child would like to, they can come to school dressed-up as someone from the 1940s: soldiers, nurses, children, evacuees, Rosie the Riveters, or even a swing dancer! This is not compulsory, if your child does not want to dress-up they can come to school in their normal uniform. 

Wednesday 8th January 2025 

Coffee and Cake morning  


In the school hall 


Tuesday 14th January 2025 

Ramsgate Tunnel Trip 

Royal Class 

We’ll leave school at 9:00am and return before the end of the school day, so your child can be picked up or walk home as usual. 

They will need a packed lunch. 

They need to wear their school uniform with comfortable shoes. 

Wednesday 15th January 2025 

Ramsgate Tunnel Trip 

Brompton Class 

We’ll leave school at 9:00am and return before the end of the school day, so your child can be picked up or walk home as usual. 

They will need a packed lunch. 

They need to wear their school uniform with comfortable shoes. 

Wednesday 29th January 2025 

Come and look session  


You are invited to come to your child’s classroom to have a look at what they have been learning about this term. 


Monday 10th February 


Cultural Day. 

Details to follow. 

Tuesday 11th February  

Safer Internet Day 

Whole School carousel of activities around staying safe online. This year’s theme is “managing influence and navigating change online”. 

Friday 14th February 


Friendship Disco. 

Children can bring party clothes in a bag. 

Friday 14th February 


Last day of Term 3. 


What will you be learning this term 3? See below