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Term 2 News

Here is the Year One Blog post for Term 2.

This term we have learnt about Splendid skies. 

During writing, we have had the chance to explore our local area and autumnal scenes; create posters and information leaflets; ending the term with writing a retell of the Nativity.

In maths, we have continued exploring numbers to 10. This includes subitising, number bonds and addition and subtraction.

For science, we have explored the seasonal changes. We have made lots of observations and looked at decidious and evergreen trees in the local area.

In computing we have improved our basic technology skills to be able to log ourselves into purple mash.

For RE and music, we have practised our Nativity that many of you had the pleasure of coming to watch! We hope you had a Boogie Woogie time!

It's been another wonderful term of learning and laughing along the way!