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Pupil Voice

The School Council at Green Park exists not only to offer children a voice in their own school, but also to allow them to take a pivotal role in the direction the school takes, and the improvements it makes.

The School Council is made up of children who have applied for the role and who have then been selected by their own class. We have councillors from Year 1 up to Year 6, with the eldest councillors assisting the youngest.

We meet at the beginning of each term with Mrs Anderson and discuss the initiative we are going to focus on during that term, for example, ‘Anti-bullying’. We then share our initiative with the rest of the school in assembly and then either have a visitor into school or make a visit outside of school to gain further knowledge. We then feed back to the other pupils and introduce new ideas within the school.

Our initiatives take elements from the School Improvement Plan, as well as items from the Senior Leadership Team meeting agendas. This way, the school councillors have the chance to help our school improve and the pupils within it to grow and flourish.